Asian Pickles

Pickled Green Chilies

5 Green Chilies
50 grams sugar
15 grams salt
200 ml Distilled White Vinegar

Vietnamese Pickles (Daikon Radish + Carrots)

150 grams julienned carrots
150 grams julienned daikon
100 grams sugar
30 grams salt
280 grams Distilled Vinegar 5% acidity

Pickled Radish
1 boite de radis roses
20 cl de vinaigre distillé
50 gram de sucre en poudre
2 Feuille de laurier
Pince de poivre
2 clous de girofle
1/2 cuillère à café fleur de sel

Stacy Tjoa

I am a Singaporean living in France. Singapore is a melting pot of cultures and like a true blue Singaporean, food is well loved and always a hot conversational topic. While I am trained in digital design and marketing, this website is an outlet for me to document on asian and french food, culture and adventure.  I give all credits of my asian recipes to my mum who is an amazing cook and runs her Indonesian food business in Singapore.

Ngoh Hiang


Korean Kimchi